Local Courses
Eastern Wisconsin is surrounded by excellent disc golf courses and parks. DEW Disc Golf has worked with these courses to improve and expand their offerings for disc golf.
Indian Creek Park, Manitowoc's natural jewel, has 18 baskets installed on 11/21/07. Hole 1 starts on the left side of the main parking lot on North 8th Street. Baskets sponsors are still needed and are welcome to inquire at discgolf@discoverwisc.com. (Sponsor Letter)
(Course Map)
Silver Creek Park now has 36 permanent holes along the Lake Michigan in Manitowoc. Multiple tee and basket positions offer great opportunities for all skill levels. (Course Map)
Manitowoc County's premiere private disc golf course located in Reedsville on Highway 10 only 20 minutes from Manitowoc. The Ridge offers full service with a pro shop, player lounge, driving range, deck and championship caliber disc golf. (Course Map)
Short neighborhood friendly 9 hole course through a mature oak grove. Located close to a baseball diamond, open air shelter, restrooms, swimming pool and playground. (Course Map)
Learn more about this beautiful disc golf course and NEW disc sports challenge course just west of Manitowoc. Family oriented park great for picnicing and viewing the falls. (Course & Driving Map)
Picnic Hill agacent to Neshotah Beach in Two Rivers offers a quiet walk in the woods. Hole one starts next to the baseball field and plays up the hill to the water tower. (Course Map)
Designed and installed in 1997, the Green Bay Area Disc Golf Club has brought recreational disc golf to Tundra town. (Course Map)
9 hole course partially wooded in a multi use county park. Multiple tee boxes offer a long-short and short-long alternating format to give you 18 chances at 9 baskets. (Course Map)